Club Information

The Oxley Region Amateur Radio Club (ORARC) provides encouragement for those interested in the scientific development of radio communications and associated electronics.

President: Henry Lundell VK2ZHE
Vice President: Paul Colledge VK2ICQ
Secretary: Peter Fletcher VK2HPF
Treasurer: Dennis Meade VK2DAM

Contact the club

Club Station: VK2BOR

Facebook – Administered by Derek Archer VK2DJA
Google Groups – club members only

The club operates & maintains the following repeaters at Middle Brother:

O/P 146.700, I/P 146.100, CTCSS 91.5Hz, VK2RPM – Analog FM Input, Analog FM Output, On-Air
O/P 146.700, I/P 146.100, VK2RPM – C4FM Input, Analog FM Output, On-Air

  O/P 438.525, I/P 433.525, CTCSS 123Hz, VK2RPM – Analog FM Input, Analog FM Output, Off-Air
O/P 438.525, I/P 433.525, VK2RPM – C4FM Input, C4FM Output, Off-Air
123Hz Output tone on Analogue TX for analogue radios to filter out digital transmissions.

O/P 438.525, I/P 433.525, VK2RPM – VK DMR Network, On-Air
ID 505106, Static TG – TS2: 505
Our thanks to ARNSW for generously providing our DMR Repeater.

APRS Digipeater SX 145.175, 1200bps, VK2RPM-1On-Air

The club operates & maintains the following repeaters at Telegraph Point :

O/P 53.800, I/P 52.800, VK2RCN, CTCSS 91.5Hz, Analog FM, On-Air
91.5Hz Output tone on Repeater TX for users experiencing random squelch openings. 

O/P 147.000, I/P 146.400, no Tone/CTCSS, VK2RCN – Analog FM Input, Analog FM Output, On-Air
O/P 147.000, I/P 146.400, VK2RCN – C4FM Input, Analog FM Output, On-Air
91.5Hz Output tone on Repeater TX for users experiencing random squelch openings. 

O/P 438.425, I/P 433.425, CTCSS 123Hz, VK2RCN – Analog FM Input, Analog FM Output, Off-Air
O/P 438.425, I/P 433.425, VK2RCN – C4FM Input, C4FM Output, Off-Air
123Hz Output tone on Analogue TX for analogue radios to filter out digital transmissions.

O/P 438.425, I/P 433.425, VK2RCN – VK DMR Network, On-Air
ID 505059, Static TG – TS2: 505
Our thanks to ARNSW for generously providing our DMR Repeater.

 APRS Digipeater & iGate SX 145.175, 1200bps, VK2RCN-5, On-Air


Club Weekly 2 Meter Nets, held on VK2RPM (146.700 -600 91.5Hz):
Thursday: 7.30pm
Sunday: 9.00am

Echolink via VK2RPM Repeater:
Station: VK2RPM-R, Node: 916007
DTMF control enabled, see function list here