September Oxtales

September Oxtales has arrived! Read about all of our upcoming events, lots of Amateur Radio news plus (shameless self-plug) a summary of OpenGD77, the Quansheng UV-K5 hand-held and Chirp-Next! Many thanks to John VK2AYQ, Arthur VK2ATM and contributors for another packed Oxtales!

Members should now have received their copy by email, but website copies of the current and past editions can always be found here.

July Oxtales

July’s Oxtales is here! Read the recap of our field day happenings (there was a lot going on!) as well as all of our upcoming events and lots of Amateur Radio news! Many thanks to John VK2AYQ, Arthur VK2ATM and contributors for another packed Oxtales!

Members should now have received their copy by email, but website copies of the current and past editions can always be found here.

May Oxtales

It’s May, so it’s time for another Oxtales! The field day is just around the corner, read about Hamshack Hotline and see the results of our Antenna Shootout Day at Larry VK2CLL’s QTH! Many thanks to John VK2AYQ, Arthur VK2ATM and all of our contributors for their hard work putting Oxtales together!

Members should now have received their copy by email, but website copies of the current and past editions can always be found here.