DXpedition for Norfolk Island


From ARVic, original post here.

A team of five will activate Norfolk Island as VK9NT in May, to coincide with the Wireless Institute of Australia’s Annual General Meeting and invites others on the Island to join them.

The DXers Chris VK3QB, Brenton VK3YB, Luke VK3HJ, Lee VK3GK and Allan VK2CA, will operate May 20 to 31.  VK9NT is to be on 160m to 10m using CW and SSB, with three transceivers available.

These will feed dipoles strung up about 25-30 metres high between majestic Norfolk Island Pines, and a Sloper antenna for 160m.  To liaise locally 2m will be used.

Those attending the WIA AGM are invited to visit VK9NT at Pacific Palms, either to enjoy the hospitality or operate, and a shuttle bus is being provided.  The team also operates clifftop QRP at the edge of the property.  Visitors are welcome to that site also, but please bring your own QRP radios and attach the antenna, to chase DX.

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